Tuomas Katainen says his modified Model S worked well for the first 900 miles. He said he had to call a tow truck for repairs because of water leaks and error codes.
The shop told him the battery needed to be replaced at a cost of $22,000. The work would need to be authorized by the company, which was not very enthusiastic about previous work done on the car.
Katainen contacted some of his favorite YouTubers, including the one from Hydraulic Press fame, to find out if they would be interested in fixing an old one.
After removing the expensive components, the crew hauled the vehicle out to an old quarry on the outskirts of Jaala, a remote village about two hours from Helsinki, Finland.
The experts from theBomb Dudes on the YouTube channel strapped 66 pounds of high explosives to the car and surrounded the area with slow- motion cameras.
A helicopter dropped a mannequin with the face of Musk into the driver's seat of the doomed car as they were finishing the setup.
The crowd retreated to a blast shelter where Katainen was given the honor of pressing the button and sending his former ride to vehicular Valhalla.
In the video, a charge can be seen racing along the detonation cord, setting off a series of caps that break the windshield and loosen the body panels.
After a short pause, the hotdog-shaped charges erupt into a blinding ball of fire, sending a massive shockwave through the car.
A gray and black smudge is visible where the car used to be, when a drone flies through the cloud of smoke.
The standard warranty on a Model S is eight years or 150,000 miles, but may be voided if the battery is opened or serviced by someone not authorized by the company. The warranty doesn't cover damage caused by intentional actions, like blowing the car up.