Researchers in China created an artificial intelligence that can identify crimes and file charges against criminals in a scenario that is similar to the movie "Robocop" and the movie "Minority Report".
South China Morning Post reports that the Shanghai Pudong People's Procratorate, the country's largest district public prosecution office, developed and tested the artificial intelligence. A description of a suspected criminal case can be used to file a charge.
The system can replace prosecutors in the decision-making process, according to a paper published in Management Review.
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The team built the machine off of an existing tool. The system was already being used by prosecutors in China to assess evidence and determine if a suspected criminal was dangerous to the public.
The team said that it was limited as it could not participate in the decision-making process of filing charges and suggesting sentences. It would require the artificial intelligence to be able to identify and remove irrelevant information in a case and process human language in its neural network.
The new artificial intelligence developed in Shanghai is able to assess case files. Credit card fraud, gambling, reckless driving, intentional assault, obstructing an officer, theft, fraud, and even political dissent are some of the crimes that the machine can identify and charge.
Who watches the Watchmen?
There is concern about a computer that can put people in prison. The prosecutor told the paper that the 97 percent accuracy is fairly high, but there will always be a chance of a mistake.
Who will be responsible when it happens? The lawyer told the newspaper that the prosecutor, the machine or the designer of the algorithm was the one who created the program.
The artificial intelligence is still in its infancy and has yet to be widely used. Recent trends suggest that computers will do more dirty work in the future.
The South China Morning Post reported that Chinese scientists developed an artificial intelligence that could press its own charges.
The researchers created a neural network to help cops predict drugs.
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