Next year is going to be something to look forward to if you like number patterns.
The last time a repeating digit was used in the time and date was after 10pm on February 22.
Toot toot!
Which leads us to the first puzzle.
1. What was the question?
The person at the information desk said, "2222222".
What was the question?
2. Every year, I ask the question with the smallest change.
This is a yearly ritual for the readers. The following equation can be made sense if you fill in the gaps.
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 2 1
You can use the symbols +, -, x, and as many brackets as you please. The answer should be of the form 10 x 9 + 8 x 6 x 5 x 4 + 1 which doesn't equal 2022.
3. Three twos and a zero.
The numbers from 1 to 10 are 2, 0, 2 and 2. You can use the mathematical symbols +, x,,, as many brackets as you want. You can use the symbol for repeating decimals, usually a dot or a bar on the digit that is to be repeated ad infinitum.
An expression for 7 is:
There isn't a way to draw a dot or bar on a digit using this software, so I have marked it with a repeating digit.
The factorial symbol means that the following whole number is less than the next one. 3 x 2 x 1. If you place two or more digits together, as in.02 above, you can have numbers a and b.
I will be back at 5pm UK with the solutions. You can post your favourite facts here.
I thank Inder Taneja for reminding me of the monodigital date. Inder, an international guru of number patterns, has written a 76-page article about all the fun and games to be had with 2022. When read upside down, and in a mirror, the expressions add to 2022.
Inder J. Taneja wrote a book called Mathematical Beauty of 2022, Zenodo.
Thanks to Lewis for suggesting the third puzzle. Lewis worked out all possible fractions using only the digits 2,0,2 and 2 and the operations listed above. He found expressions for all of them. Let us know if anyone can find an expression for 8/7.
Thanks to the readers of this column, this year it received almost 3 million views. I need to improve on my answers and suggest puzzles. If you missed them, the five most popular puzzles were:
1. admissions questions for Oxford
2. The Borromean has magic.
3. The crazy math of the coin.
4. Russia's Prime Minister sets a puzzle.
5. From Russia with logic.
Happy New Year!
I put a puzzle here on Mondays. I look for great puzzles. Email me if you would like to suggest one.
The Language Lovers Puzzle Book is the most recent book I have written. I give school talks about math and puzzles. Please contact your school if you are interested.