The second season of The Witcher has a lot of good material, from the growing relationship between Geralt and Ciri to the growing power of Yennefer. Geralt and Ciri have a lot in common with him training her to become a Witcher at Kaer Morhen, a key location in the books and Geralt's childhood home.
Two of the videos that are being released by the streaming service are focused on the character development of the remaining Witchers and Ciri. Allan was excited for Ciri tonavigate what she wants and to finally be involved in the action after spending the first season running from threat after threat.
Allan said it was difficult to get into swordfighting routines. I had to do a lot of training. Lauren Hissrich praised Allan for his dedication when it came to the obstacle course at Kaer Morhen. She loved it so much, she couldn't believe how many times she was knocked off of it.
Ciri spends a lot of time with the other Witchers during the season, even though she wants to follow in her father's footsteps. The second video spotlights the other Witchers: Eskel, Coen, and Paul Bullion. All three are fan favorites, but they are not as important as Vesemir, Geralt's father figure who starred in the animated movie Nightmare of the Wolf. Allan says that over the course of the season, Ciri comes to respect Vesemir more than Geralt does.
Paul Billion, who plays Lambert, said that the Witchers go to Kaer Morhen every winter because they feel like a family. The scarcity of their ranks has made their bonds stronger as they help train Ciri and fight monsters together. Bullion said that it was about family and exploring what family means. It is what the Witchers represent.
The family bond is something fans have wanted to see in the show for a long time, but the new season has thrown a curve ball that has left fans demanding answers.
When Geralt and Ciri arrive at Kaer Morhen in the second episode, they discover that Eskel had been bitten by a leshen. He is killed by Geralt, something that doesn't happen in the books. The process of Eskel's grim fate came to be discussed by Hissrich on the show's podcast. It was important to make sure that it had something to do with Ciri because they knew how they wanted to kill someone. The death of someone had to force Geralt and the others to realize that she would change things.
She was going to be killing a new character called John. It was changed to Eskel so that it would have an affect on Geralt and encourage him to train Ciri. Eskel's death is what changes everything for Geralt. The idea of the Witchers being caught up in a constantly changing world was a part of the desire to kill off Eskel. We had to kill more in season two because of the fact that there is a question about the Witchers.
Vesemir has some hope for the future, despite how bleak things are for the organization. When Ciri and Vesemir are walking through the Kaer Morhen lab, we hear Vesemir retell the deaths of the Witchers, and suddenly he thinks Ciri could be their heir. That type of optimism is important to Vesemir.
The second season of The Witcher is available on the internet.