The percentage of Americans who are not fully protected against Covid-19 has not budged since the vaccine was introduced, even as the share has increased.
The percentage of US adults refusing to get the Covid-19 has not changed since the beginning of the year.
The Kaiser Family Foundation conducted a poll in November that found that 14 percent of respondents still say they won't get the vaccine, while 3% say they'll only get it if required and 4% say they plan to.
A December 7-13 Morning Consult poll found that 9% of respondents are uncertain about getting a vaccine.
The share of people who wouldn't get inoculated in January was the same as it was earlier in the year.
The percentage of people who were hesitant has gone down significantly, as evidenced by the January and March polls.
In the first half of the year, the group who were uncertain but changed their minds went from 31% to 10%, and Morning Consult recorded a 6% drop.
The KFF found that the surge in vaccine hesitancy was limited, with the number of respondents declining from 14 to 12% between June and September and then jumping to 16% in October.
The Pfizer-BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine for ages 16 and older was approved by the FDA in late August, which polling suggested should have moved vaccine hesitancy. Morning Consult found that the share of people who were unwilling to get the shot decreased between August 23 and August 30 because of the lack of full FDA approval. 10% of people were uncertain about vaccination.
The number is big.
72.6% of the population. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, as of Sunday, about one-third of U.S. adults have been fully vaccineed against Covid-19.
What to watch for.
Polling suggests that vaccine hesitancy won't be affected by how the highly infectious omicron coronaviruses variant now spurring a new surge of Covid-19 cases. A KFF poll found that 85% of unvaccinated people think omicron doesn't make them more likely to get inoculated, though 12% think it does. Almost half of KFF respondents said there wasn't anything they could do to get vaccine.
There is a structure called the Tangent.
Many parents are unwilling or unsure about vaccinations for their children. A KFF poll conducted in October found that 30% of parents of children ages five to 11 will definitely not be vaccinating their child, up from 24% in September, while 5% would do so only if required, and 33% plan to wait and see. The CDC says that only 2 percent of five- to 11-year-olds and 6 percent of 12- to 17-year-olds have received at least one shot.
The key background.
Incentives like million-dollar lotteries and vaccine mandates for public spaces have been used to get people to get the shot. Morning Consult polling shows that Republicans, white evangelicals, younger adults and rural residents are the most opposed to the vaccine, and that Wyoming has the highest percentage of vaccine refusal. There are reasons why unvaccinated people don't get the shot, like skepticism about the vaccines, concerns about side effects, and a lack of concern about contracting Covid-19.
The KFF has a vaccine monitor.
The U.S. vaccine dashboard is available.
Omicron isn't persuading unvaccinated people to get the shot.
A poll found that 1 in 5 adults still reject covid vaccines.
Who is Refusing Covid Vaccinations?
Coverage and live updates on the coronaviruses.