The Matrix is back.
The fourth film in the Matrix franchise, The Matrix Resurrections, was released this holiday and it was the return of both the original trilogy's stars, Carrie-Ann Moss and Keanu Reeves, as well as director Lana Wachowski, who did the original trilogy.
I didn't like The Matrix. Reloaded and Revolutions didn't feel great in a different way. It was almost like a parody of a Matrix movie, and I couldn't tell if it was poking fun at itself, the studio, or its fans.
The film is divisive, with some people saying it is a return to form for the franchise, while others don't like it at all. I feel the need to shoot down one of the conspiracy theories I hear.
Lana Wachowski made a bad film as revenge on Warner Bros. because she didn't want to do it in the first place. There are a few scenes at the beginning of the film that seem to suggest that Neo is in control, so it might as well be him. Warner Bros. is no longer being called that.
The Matrix is back.
I wouldn't interpret that passage as a message. Warner Bros. didn't continue The Matrix as an intellectual property until Lana came on board to direct herself. She didn't make a bad movie as an insult to their corporate greed.
Lana Wachowski has spoken about how The Matrix Resurrections was a story she wrote to honor her parents.
At the International Literature Festival Berlin, Wachowski said that his dad, friend and mom had died. I didn't know how to deal with that kind of grief. It was still hard, even though they know their lives are going to end. My brain has always reached into my imagination and one night, I was crying and I couldn't sleep, and my brain exploded. I didn't have my mom and dad, yet I had Neo and Trinity, the two most important characters in my life.
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The project was a comfort to her.
It was comforting to have these two characters alive again. You can say that it feels good to bring these two people back to life. Yes, it did! It is simple and it is what art does and that is what stories do.
The final product of The Matrix Resurrections was made to be bad as an insult to Warner Bros., and this idea is misguided. Lana's parents were influential in her decision to work with Neo and Trinity this time around, I think, and you can better understand that angle she was going for with them. I still have issues with the film, but some people in the audience were reading too much into its meta elements, and ignoring what Lana has actually said about the film.
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