Alex Jones was against Donald Trump. Drew and Angerer are pictured.
The images are from the same company.
Alex Jones, a conspiracy theorist and snake oil salesman, had a special Christmas message for his old friend, former President Donald Trump.
Trump's recent interview with right-wing culture warrior Candace Owens, in which he uncharacteristically sided with science and reason, provoked Jones' melodramatic condemnation.
Owens, who is a vociferous anti-vaxxer, was taken aback by Trump's enthusiasm for the vaccine, and desperately attempts to shift the conversation towards vaccine mandates, which Trump does not endorse.
Trump continued to emphasize the dangers of being unvaccinated during a global pandemic, even though he was distracted for a while. The former president credits himself with the creation of the vaccine, but he also made it clear that he believes it is saving lives. Trump said something.
I came up with a vaccine. All are very good. In less than nine months, I got three of them. It was supposed to take five to 12 years.
Owens pushed back.
More people have died this year under Joe Biden than under you. More people took the vaccine this year, so people are questioning how.
Trump didn't allow Owens to finish.
Some people aren't taking the vaccines. The people who don't take their vaccine are the ones who get very sick and go to the hospital. If you take the vaccine, you're protected. The vaccine results are very good. It's a very minor form if you get it. People don't die when they take the vaccine.
The Owens interview is the first time that Trump has spoken about the vaccine for a long period of time, with clarity and enthusiasm, and it is the first time that he has endorsed it.
Jones went on one of his notorious rants, almost bursting a blood vessel in his fury.
If you don't extricate yourself from this lie, you will be known as the M.V.V.P., the Most Valuable Vaccine Pusher, and the name Trump will be. Do not refer to history as "Josef Mengele 2.0".
Jones urged Trump to "turn back" but branding him a "coward".
Your legacy will be a monster. Your legacy will be that of a eugenicist. Your legacy will be that of a child killer.
The Owens interview sent shock waves through the land as the former president aggressively pushed back against the misinformation spread by right-wing media personalities like Jones.
Owens appeared to panic after the interview ended, releasing a video in which she emphasized Trump's age and his "mainstream media" diet, in a desperate attempt to "explain" his endorsement of the vaccine to her furious followers.
Alex Jones made no excuses for the former president. Initially one of Trump's most passionate and vocal supporters, Jones eventually found himself overshadowed by the QAnon conspiracy theory, which was a crowd-sourced narrative.
Jones admitted in the leaked outtake that he wished he'd never met Trump.
Jones said he was sick of Donald Trump. I'm sick of him. I'm not doing this because I'm kissing him. I'm sick of it.