Donald Trump is backing the vaccine because he is old, suggested the conservative activist.
She said in the video that people forget how old Trump is. They came from a time before TV, before internet, and before being able to conduct their own research.
Her comments came after her interview with Trump, where he gave the strongest endorsement yet for the vaccine, saying that it protects people and won't kill anyone.
Owens encouraged vaccine skepticism and said she was not a vaccine patient.
She said that "everything that Trump's generation read in a newspaper that was pitched to them that was a reality." The push for vaccines and the belief that people were going to die without vaccines were some of the things. I believe that his support of the vaccine is genuine, and it's not based on any corruption at all.
Owens said she wanted to address questions from Trump supporters.
She said he only reads mainstream media and doesn't try to find alternative sources of information.
She said that she does not believe that Trump reads any other news sources. I don't believe that Trump uses the internet to find obscure websites. I think he just depends on mainstream sources. I don't think there's anything bad going on there.
She said that he needs to have a larger conversation to understand why so many people are horrified.
Though he has called unflattering news articles "fake news", Trump still reads print newspapers like The New York Times and The Washington Post.
Trump told Fox News that he was surprised and appreciative of President Joe Biden's recognition of his administration's efforts to produce three vaccine.