The father who said "let's go, Brandon" in a Christmas Eve phone call with President Joe Biden and his kids has said the remarks were just a joke.
At the end of the NORAD Tracks Santa call, which was part of the annual program, the speaker said " Merry Christmas and let's go, Brandon!" The first lady appeared to be wince, while Biden said: "Let's go, Brandon." I agree.
"Let's go, Brandon" is a conservative euphemism for "fuck Joe Biden."
You can watch the moment here.
December 24, 2021.
On Friday, he posted a video of himself and his children on the call.
The remark was a joke, and now I am being attacked for using my freedom of speech. He said he had received threatening calls since the livestream.
"I'm not that simple minded, no matter how I feel about him, and I understand that there is a meaning to 'let's go, Brandon,'" said Schmeck.
He seems like a nice guy. There is no animosity or anything like that. It was just a joke and I have the right to express my frustration in a joking manner. I love my brother or sister just as much.
He told the outlet that he had nothing against Mr. Biden, but he was frustrated because he thought he could be doing a better job. I mean no disrespect to him.
The outlet reported that Schmeck had been discouraged by Biden policies like the federal vaccine mandate. He told the outlet that he was a follower of Jesus Christ and not a Trumper.
The phrase "let's go, Brandon" came about when an NBC Sports reporter was interviewing the NASCAR driver Brandon Brown while he was being shouted at by other people.