The first meta-analysis of its kind shows that children with high incomes are more likely to experience tooth decay.
The effects of soda, juices, and energy drinks have eaten away at some of the privileges provided by wealth and education according to a systematic review.
Researchers found a link between socio-economic status and tooth wear in 65 studies from 30 countries.
Teenagers who attend private school with their parents with higher levels of education and income are more likely to have tooth wear.
It does make sense since teens from more affluent families are more likely to have access to regular dental care.
Many countries haveizzy drinks, energy drinks and packaged juices for the wealthy. The diet/low-sugar/sugar-free alternatives remain acidic despite a focus on sugar, according to a researcher at a university in Australia.
Children of all socio-economic levels may be exposed to erosive risk due to their diet, but those from a high socio-economic area may be more exposed due to increased access.
A lot of people experience some level of tooth wear over the course of their lives, but the rate at which it erodes depends on a lot of factors.
Some children with a low socio-economic status might not show tooth wear initially, but as they grow older and use their teeth more often, tooth wear might become a problem.
In nations where acidic foods are eaten frequently, tooth wear seems to be worse.
Higher-educated adults are less likely to develop pathological tooth wear over time. This group of people tend to eat better and maintain better oral hygiene practices.
More affluent individuals are less likely to experience other health issues, like reflux disorder and diabetes, which can make dental hygiene and care more difficult.
Poor diet, acid reflux, eating disorders, stress and depression, and limited access to dental care are some of the underlying medical conditions that can lead to tooth wear.
Wealthy adults have improved access to dental treatment and have a lower risk of dental problems.
Not all dental practices are good for our teeth.
The studies found that certain brushing habits, like using an electric toothbrush or a hard-bristle brush, were linked to greater tooth wear in adults.
The meta-analysis suggests that we need to better communicate healthy dental practices to the population, although more thorough first-hand research is needed. Seven papers came from nations with lower incomes.
The majority of studies included in the review gathered data from adolescents, which means the results might not capture the full extent of tooth wear and tear as we age.
Many studies use different evaluations making it difficult to compare.
The current review is a good assessment of the current research on tooth wear and its connection to education, income, and social standing. The findings show that a person's socio-economic status could be a factor in the development of dental problems later in life.
Future epidemiological studies will need to explore this connection in more detail so that we can figure out why the association exists and who is most at risk in the long run.
The healthiest and cheapest option is to protect the teeth we already have.
The journal published the study.