President Biden heard what his detractors had been saying for months, and it was a "f* you" jab.
The First Lady and her husband were making calls to military families and their kids all over the country Friday, talking about Christmas, presents, wish lists and of course, Santa Claus. 46 and the missus were using the NORAD Santa tracker to help with their discussions.
A father wished the Bidens a Merry Christmas during one of the calls. He said "Let's go Brandon" before hanging up.
Joe said "I agree" when he repeated it word for word, even though he didn't understand what it meant. It doesn't make sense on its face, since it's super derogatory.
The phrase "Let's go Brandon" has become a joke in conservative circles. It means "F* Joe Biden" because of a reporter's attempt to cover up what a NASCAR crowd was chanting during a live shot.
Brandon Brown, the guy who unintentionally spurred the meme, has said he's not a fan of it, but it hasn't stopped people from adopting it and using it in a variety of settings.
In light of Donald Trump receiving similar treatment from his own opposition throughout his presidency, others say it's fair game.
The White House wouldn't comment on the usage of "Let's go Brandon."