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The astronomer at the University of Arizona has been working on the design and build of the telescope's ultrasensitive IR camera.
On the day that their telescope launches into space, what do stronomer eat for breakfast? Their fingernails.
For 20 years, the University of Arizona's Rieke has been working to design and build an ultrasensitive infrared camera that will live aboard the spaceship.
An informal survey of randomly chosen astronomer revealed that a community sitting on the edges of their seats are very proud of the team that has developed, built and tested the new telescope over the last 25 years.
Prescod-Weinstein, a professor of physics and gender studies at the University of New Hampshire, said that she will watch the launch and be terrified the entire time.
There is a lot to be anxious about. The Ariane 5 rocket has been able to deliver its cargo to the correct location. The telescope will have a long way to go even if it survives the launch.
It will have to perform a series of maneuvers with
If all those steps succeed, that telescope could change everything.
The entire astronomy community has skin in the game with the telescope, according to an astronomer at Yale. We are all invested.
She kept herself sane by trusting that smart people have worked hard to get things right, said the winner of the 2020 Nobel Prize in physics.