A father told President Joe Biden "let's go Brandon", a conservative code phrase for "fuck Joe Biden", on Friday morning after Biden wished the man's children a Merry Christmas.
Biden agreed with the insult and said, "Let's go Brandon, I agree."
You can watch a video of the exchange.
December 24, 2021.
The father, named "Jared" according to a White House pool report, tossed the insult as the president and First Lady of the United States held calls with families while monitoring Santa's progress through the NORAD Tracks Santa Operations Center tracker.
Biden said at the beginning of the event that Santa was moving. "That's a heavy sleigh, man."
One of the four children asked for a piano, while another said she would be happy with anything. Hunter asked for a Nintendo Switch. According to the pool report,Jared said Merry Christmas and let's go Brandon.
The phrase "let's go Brandon" was created earlier this year after a reporter misheard a chant of "Fuck Joe Biden" while interviewing Brandon Brown. Brown told the New York Times that he found the chant to be distraction.
Presidents wishing children a Merry Christmas is an annual tradition. The last time the event made news was when Donald asked a seven-year-old if she still believed in Santa.
Are you still a believer in Santa? Trump asked. It's marginal at 7.