PSA: You’ll miss 25 minutes of The Expanse’s final season if you don’t pause it

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If you are a fan of The Expanse, you might be wondering if the final six episodes are enough to finish the story. If you don't think about it, Amazon has buried nearly one-tenth of the show's final season in a place you might not think to look, and can't even find on your TV.

It is true. The Expanse's production company filmed an additional 25 minutes of story across five vignettes, which you can only access through Amazon's X-Ray service. They are under Bonus Content. I couldn't find them on Apple TV or Google TV, and the show's creators have confirmed that, because Amazon hasn't made them available there yet. They are only on phones, tablets, and computers.

Our X-rays can only be accessed on phones, tablets, or laptops, and not on TVs. The series is worth checking out, but it isn't easy to find. Thank you for watching!
The Expanse Writers are on December 20, 2021.

They don't meaningfully fill in all the gaps, nor are they important to the plot. I have watched all six main episodes and all five X-Rays, but I don't think any of the side stories are necessary. One of them was fun and I would be angry if I never heard of them.

They are connected to the narrative.

The Expanse co-author Daniel Abraham tells me that they were designed to be shown in order with the main episodes. He told me to watch them in order because they are connected to the narrative.

Abraham says that they finally got to a place where they had the resources and time to do the X-Ray. There are small character moments that add depth to the mainline story. It is similar to the novels where we had the little novellas on the side where we could give you things that weren't critical to the main line, but could make the story a little richer and deeper.

They have little things to do, just to spend that extra moment.

The Expanse has done some X-Ray bonus content before, offering a chance to go behind the scenes, and you can find a bunch of other aftershow content floating around the internet as well:

The final season has a short run time of only 272 minutes without credits. The series needs some breathing room. I will spend as much time with these characters as I can.