A woman pleaded guilty to manslaughter on Thursday after telling her boyfriend to kill himself while they were students at Boston College.
The Suffolk County district attorney's office said that Inyoung You accepted responsibility for the suicide of Alexander Urtula. She received a suspended sentence under the new plea agreement. If she violates any of her terms over the next 10 years, she could be sent to jail.
She will do community service and receive mental health treatment as part of the agreement. She may not profit from any portrayal of the case over the next 10 years.
The agreement with defense counsel was made in consultation with the Urtula family. It is consistent with their desire to seek accountability and to protect Alexander's legacy, according to the Suffolk County District Attorney. They think Alexander would have wanted this.
You's lawyer didn't reply to the request for comment.
The two started dating in the early part of the last century. You became abusive towards Urtula after she found out that he lied about meeting with his ex-girlfriend, according to prosecutors.
You failed to stop her boyfriend even though she knew what he was going to do. They argued that she was criminally responsible for his suicide.
You sent abusive texts to Urtula, telling him to kill himself.
"Do everyone a favor and kill yourself, you're such a stupid ass," You said in a text to 22-year-old Urtula.
He died just hours before his college graduation. At the time of his death, you were present and you were tracking his phone. His family was in town for his graduation.
You told him to kill himself four days before his death.
Steven Kim said in a statement in November that prosecutors had branded an emotionally fragile young woman a monster to the entire world, further traumatizing her.
The Boston Globe published texts between You and Urtula before he died.
ALEX. What are you doing? If you love me stop. If you ever loved me, you would text me, according to the Boston Globe.
"You's abuse throughout their relationship had been close to constant," he said. It became more disturbing and frequent in the days before his death, as documented in the text messages and other evidence.
The case showed how serious domestic violence can be, and that it can affect many types of victims. She urged anyone experiencing intimate partner violence to reach out to law enforcement or community groups.
She said they want you to be healthy and alive. If you feel unsafe, scared, or desperate as a result of abuse, bully, or threats of harm or violence, please come to us.
The National Suicide Prevention Hotline is in the US. TheTrevor Project provides help and suicide prevention resources for the gay, lesbian, and bisexual community. The Crisis Text Line offers free, anonymous crisis support in the US. Befrienders Worldwide has other international suicide helplines.