The new date is Dec 23, 2021.
The airline industry group called for the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to reduce the recommended period for people who have breakthrough Covid-19 cases, as United Airlines said it was cancelling 112 Christmas Eve flights due to staffing shortages.
A pilot walks by planes at the San Francisco International Airport. Since the coronaviruses shelter was put in place, the number of flights at San Francisco International Airport has plummeted. United Airlines, the airport's largest carrier with the most daily flights, has reduced their flights to 50 per day. The photo was taken by Justin Sullivan.
The images are from the same company.
The surge in omicron cases had a direct impact on our flight crews and the people who run our operation, and we are working to rebook as many people as possible.
Airlines for America asked the CDC to shorten its recommendation for a Covid-19 case from 10 to five days because of potential worker shortages and operation disruptions due to the omicron variant.
Forbes reached out to the airlines to find out the cause of the canceled flights, but Delta and JetBlue have not commented.
6.4 million people. The number of people predicted to fly in the US during the holiday season is expected to increase by 184%.
The key background.
The U.S. has an average of over 177,000 cases per day, fueled by the omicron variant. The omicron variant is the most common coronaviruses in the U.S., accounting for 73.2% of new cases, according to the CDC. 500 million at- home tests will be given to Americans in January by President Joe Biden, who is trying to tackle the surge in cases.
The Airline Trade Body says that airplane passengers are twice as likely to catch Covid-19.
The US airline industry is pushing for the CDC to cut the time it takes for Covid cases to be identified.