A small Chinese satellite captured an image of comet Leonard on a backdrop of polar lights. Origin Space has an image credit.
A Chinese space resources company launched a small space telescope that captured an epic shot of the comet on the backdrop of an Aurora and passing meteors.
The image was taken by a small satellite belonging to Chinese space resources company Origin Space. The comet will pass by the sun on January 3 and disappear for 80,000 years.
Our guide for the best telescopes and binoculars is a must have if you want to see comet Leonard. The best cameras for Astrophotography and best lenses for Astrophotography guides have tips on gear you might need to take photos.
This month, a comet will light up the sky.
There are some good videos for you. It was created with a sketch.
The comet, formally named C/2021 A1, with its extended tail, is depicted in a colorized image, but also captures space phenomena, including a meteorite, seen streaking below the comet, the shorter trails of two satellites, airglow, and the Aurora.
The telescope is looking for near-Earth asteroids that could potentially be mined for resources. Origin Space says that the China's first commercial astronomy space mission is also available to non-commercial users.
The satellite has been in the sky since June of 2021. The mission captured a stunning Aurora australis above the southern Pacific Ocean in August of 2021.
Origin Space wants to capture a small asteroid in 25 years.
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