The internet has something to say about the world's newest space telescope, which is supposed to take off on Christmas Day.
The James Webb Space Telescope, named after the former NASA administrator who helped purge gays from the State Department, should be cleared for liftoff on December 25. The anticipation of space-watchers has reached a feverish pitch.
Here are some of our favorites.
The Trans Telescope is owned by James Webb.
This cute little illustration feels like a double entendre because it was posted on a date that the JWST was supposed to be launched on. It might not have been enough to get NASA to change the name of the Hubble Telescope, but it made this astrophysics fanart even more satisfying.
NASA used to announce that it was delaying the launch of the JWST for the third time in six weeks and those launch delays themselves, this meme is a primary flavor enjoyed by space nerds.
You are with me.
This meme takes the long history of the JWST and makes it seem like it was created by a female celebrity. The user was thorough and saw it all the way through.
Clown paint.
This one speaks for itself, and is even funnier to see, because the schedule has been continually delayed.
It is a happy season.
If the telescope is launched on Christmas, it will be a gift to humankind, but there is no reason memers can't have fun with it.
Scientists areTerrified of NASA's James Webb Telescope launch.
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