Ron is a turd. The worst of turds. A person with no appreciation for your kindness would refuse to wash their hands after leaving your house, leave your toilet open, not flush, and leave the door open. There is a toilet bowl of American leadership, but he is not a turd.
The Stop W.O.K.E act is a legislative proposal that will give businesses, employees, children and families tools to fight back against woke indoctrination. That is a sentence on the website of a public servant. He wants to make the state less welcoming for minorities, and he wants to get re-elected so he can do that.
The foul smell of DeSantis can be found in sports. He signed a bill to promote intellectual diversity in college education. If a student feels that a professor is not allowing them to express their opinion, they can record the class with no penalty. A law was passed by DeSantis that made it illegal for athletes in public education to compete against their gender identity. In the middle of a gun violence epidemic, inflation, and rising hate crime rates, he wants to make sure that ignorant and offensive viewpoints can be shouted or taught in a college classroom with no judgement or punishment, and an athlete at a school is not allowed to participate in athletics.
It is not just the swap you are smelling when you are in Florida. The stench of a turd in the capitol city is so bad that it can be seen in every inch of the state.
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Happy holidays, filthy animals, and welcome to Deadspin's annual IDIOT OF THE YEAR. 50 of the year's least bearable dorks, whose transgressions range from "just kinda silly" to "dangerously stupid", are within these hallowed slides.
The first round of balloting was thrown out after the expert team of Deadspin staffers unanimously picked themselves as the winner. The team tried again after the conflict of interest loophole was sewn up. The list is the result of a scrupulous process.
The qualities are not limited to:
Nobody cares if you are wildly off the mark about everything. Don't shout about it on national television.
Has the candidate enjoyed sustained excellence in the field?
Time is the ultimate arbiter because there are many stupid things that happen each day. If you forgot the person behind the idiocy, it was not sufficiently resonance.
Is it Bauer? They are an idiot if it is Bauer.
There is a cross-section of culture and athletics. It is the only defense mechanism one can hope to muster against the nightmare that is sports, so we invite you to laugh with us.
Did you miss the other installments of IDI OT of the year? Here they are.
December 20th
December 21st to December 31st
December 22 to 30
Many of the terrible takes we heard about COVID and vaccinations came from professional athletes. It is a real achievement to stand out among the terrible athletes.
One of the dumbest things said in the COVID era was by KirkCousins, he said if I die, I die, and he travels to different cities every week and yells over the top of people for a living. After suggesting he could just surround himself in plexiglass, and telling the world he planned on taking a "survival of the fittest" approach, he has been mum on his vaccine status. The Vikings offensive lineman Dakota Dozier was hospitalized after contracting Covid, so his stance is stupid. It has become a favorite pastime to watchCousins say it in the huddle and on the sideline.
For a guy who proudly talks about being a Christian every chance he gets, he gets to completely disregard the well-being of those around him.
Did MLB do anything wrong this year? Not really. They created new scandals that came quicker than Jarred Kelenic did in his first stint with the team.
The fact that MLB is using two different styles of balls to promote different narratives is a testament to how poorly the game was run in 2021. The story doesn't turn heads.
Ramn Laureano is a center fielder for the A's. No one cares. A letter containing evidence of the New York Yankees using high-speed cameras to steal opposing signs during the Astros scandal is still not open. That doesn't draw attention. With the emergence of Shohei Ohtani, Major League Baseball was able to market itself to American and other foreign audiences. Did they use his season to increase the sport's marketability? No.
Woah. The organization of Major League Baseball must have been run by an imbecile. We might get to him later.
The NCAA lost against the Supreme Court. You have to be crazy to get that group to agree that your business model is illegal. The answer is stupid. The highest court in the land found the NCAA to be in violation of national antitrust laws due to its insistence that student athletes cannot receive educational benefits outside of their athletic scholarships. The Court pointed out that the America's most annoying organization is bringing in ridiculous amounts of money each year, which kind of makes the whole mission statement thing look like a way to hoard that wealth for the higher-ups.
This year has proved to be a turning point in the compensation of athletes, despite the fact that many of them are making millions a year themselves. The NCAA is losing its authority and trying to make up for it by punishing schools that cooperate with their investigations. One hopes Mark and company are knocked down a few pegs after this year.
At a charity golf event in May, the Houston Texans owner referred to China as the "China virus", a term popularized by Donald Trump in the final months of his presidency. Cal here got off easy since the news broke months after the comments had actually been made, and the NFL has been a hot mess this year. Hate crimes against Asians and Asian-Americans in the United States have increased over the past year and a half, making the comment more ignorant.
One witness said that he and his wife seemed to be the only two people in the room who found his comment funny, while the rest of the group was appalled and gasped aloud. Maybe he is trying to outdo his racist father, the late former Texans owner Bob McNair, who told a room full of NFL owners that we couldn't have the inmates running the prison during the height of the kneeling protests. There is a lot of classic McNair family stuff here.
The World Series Champs have a stubborn insistence on keeping their racist mascot. They are not being asked to change the wheel here, as several teams have already pivoted away from their own cartoonish Native American mascots, including the Cleveland Guardians and the Washington Football Team, but not only does Atlanta firmly stand by its mascot in the face of actual living Native Americans telling them
In October, we pointed out that change wouldn't come until sponsors threatened to pull their funding. The Chop and the Atlanta baseball team can be read here for a more in-depth look at why the name is problematic.
It is not saying that the artist formerly known as Enes Kanter is a CIA, but it is saying that he likes to speak out against governments that the U.S. is against.
The former Turkish citizen has never spoken out against the U.S. helping Saudi Arabia in Yemen. Nothing about the U.S. killing Muslims in the war on terror? The U.S. forces bombing Chinese Uighyurs. They were thankful for all the freedom.
Liberals are now mouthing, "What about China?" to James. After voting blue, that Mike Pompeo-Donald Trump foreign policy goes down better. The dumbest part of this is that Kanter invited James and Phil Knight to see the biggest tourist attraction in the world. So you think an authoritarian regime will allow you to see all the human rights abuses going on, and one of the most famous people on the planet will be able to help you? No one in the Western media called bullshit on this. We will. Idiot.
When it was discovered that his Derby-winning horse had tested positive for a banned substance, Bob Baffert became one of the funniest idiots of the year. Did the agents of cancel culture give Bob a boost? Baffert takes the cake in a sport filled to the brim with unbearable and filthy rich people. One excuse he made was that the horse drank cough syrup after the groomer peed in the stall.
This was not the first time that Baffert had used a half-baked excuse, which is why he was temporarily banned from the track. Is it true that you can't get away with illegal drug use? Yeah, okay. The cherry on top was when Baffert's attorney said that he was the Michael Jordan of horse racing. There is just incredible stuff there.
Matt Nagy is the most willing to admit he is an idiot, while doing nothing to change it and taking no responsibility for it. We have spent the entire season illustrating all the things he can't or won't do despite his status as an offensive genius. He doesn't protect his quarterback, he doesn't have a plan, he doesn't stick with what's working, and he doesn't see what would be his salvation.
Nagy will tell you that. Every postgame presser is filled with that. I have to be better about that. That was my call. He doesn't run from his idiocy. He acknowledges it, which I think puts him a bit higher than Urban Meyer, who bus tossed so many people on his way out that all Jacksonville public transportation vehicles come with a cow-catcher.
Nothing has changed in Chicago. All the same mistakes were made. It makes it sad mostly. Nagy knows he is to blame for the problems. He can't see that there's another way. He thinks he has to keep running. He can not walk around it. Even though everyone else does, he can't go over it. He doesn't think he's worthy of another plan. It is tragic in a way.
Oh, Cole. Where do we begin with this idiocy? Was it the way he deleted his social media after being called out for his hot takes? No! Cole Beasley deleted his account on the social networking site. Hopefully more people will follow his lead and share their thoughts on vaccines and the virus. He was in the top 50 for the mountain of nonsense he posted.
Like this:
I might die of covid, but I would rather be living. Found!
Or this?
I won't take medication for a leg that isn't broken. Cool! That is not relevant here, but it is good for you.
Or this?
I would rather build up my immunity by taking my chances with Covid. Eat better. Drink water. I think it's important to exercise and do what I can to be a healthy person.
Water is not. Never mind. You do it, man. Don't get knocked out of the game if you catch Covid. Too late.
Ron is a turd. The worst of turds. A person with no appreciation for your kindness would refuse to wash their hands after leaving your house, leave your toilet open, not flush, and leave the door open. There is a toilet bowl of American leadership, but he is not a turd.
The Stop W.O.K.E act is a legislative proposal that will give businesses, employees, children and families tools to fight back against woke indoctrination. That is a sentence on the website of a public servant. He wants to make the state less welcoming for minorities, and he wants to get re-elected so he can do that.
The foul smell of DeSantis can be found in sports. He signed a bill to promote intellectual diversity in college education. If a student feels that a professor is not allowing them to express their opinion, they can record the class with no penalty. A law was passed by DeSantis that made it illegal for athletes in public education to compete against their gender identity. In the middle of a gun violence epidemic, inflation, and rising hate crime rates, he wants to make sure that ignorant and offensive viewpoints can be shouted or taught in a college classroom with no judgement or punishment, and an athlete at a school is not allowed to participate in athletics.
It is not just the swap you are smelling when you are in Florida. The stench of a turd in the capitol city is so bad that it can be seen in every inch of the state.