If he were in good health, President Biden would run for re-election and he believed thatfate would bring him a second term.
In an interview with ABC News Wednesday, Biden said he would welcome a second chance with Donald Trump.
Biden said he would run again if he were in good health.
I am a great believer in fate. I have been through many things in my life.
Biden had a physical at Walter Reed.
Biden said a second match up with his 2020 opponent would add to his appeal.
You are trying to get me. Yes. Why wouldn't I run against Donald Trump? The Democrat said that it would increase the likelihood of running.
If Trump were to win a second term, he would be in his 80s in the White House.
Biden was questioned by Muir about a reported scarcity of tests in the days before Christmas, a year into his presidency and two years into the COVID-19 epidemic.
Biden said nothing had been good enough. Last Christmas, when there was a shortage of vaccine, the emergency rooms were filled and people werevaccinated. You had a lot of backups in hospitals.
Biden said the U.S. response to the surge in infections by the omicron variant of the coronaviruses that causes COVID-19 was not a failure, but he admitted that he regretted not ordering millions of free rapid tests for Americans two months ago.
Biden said the administration should have been better prepared to deal with the long lines at testing centers and the unavailability of tests on pharmacy shelves.
I wish I had thought about ordering the tests two months ago, he said.
Biden doesn't think the response is a failure. You could argue that we should have known a year ago.
The president said that 200 million Americans had been fully vaccined and that booster shots were the best defense against omicron. He told the network that he wouldn't require airline passengers to get vaccine as millions of people go to the airport for Christmas.
It has been considered, but the recommendation I have gotten is not necessary, Biden said. That is the recommendation I got from the team.
Canceling Christmas travel plans because of COVID-19? How to save time and money.