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The egg was buried by a mudslide and probably saved from scavengers.
A perfectly preserved dinosaur embryo was about to hatch from its egg, just like a chicken.
Researchers estimate the embryo is 66 million years old.
It is believed to be a toothless theropod dinosaur, and has been named Baby Yingliang.
The best dinosaur embryo ever found is said to be by researcher Dr Fion Waisum Ma.
Researchers have a better understanding of the link between dinosaurs and birds. The embryo was in a curled position, which is what birds do before they hatch.
Dr Ma told the news agency that the behavior in modern birds is related to their dinosaur ancestors.
During the Late Cretaceous period, between 100 million and 66 million years ago, feathered dinosaurs called Oviraptorosaurs, which means "egg thief lizards," lived in Asia and North America.
Prof Steve Brusatte, who was part of the research team, said that the embryo was on the verge of hatching, and that it was one of the most stunning dinosaur fossils he had ever seen.
The baby is 27 cm long from head to tail, and rests inside a 6.7 inch egg at the Stone Nature History Museum in China.
The egg was put into storage for 10 years after being uncovered.
When construction work began on the museum and old fossils were being sorted through, researchers turned their attention to the egg, which they suspected was holding an embryo inside.
Researchers will use advanced scanning techniques to create an image of the dinosaur's full skeleton, which is still covered in rock.
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