The Future of Work Summit will feature CIOs, CTOs, and other C-level and senior execs on data and artificial intelligence strategies. You can learn more.
The article was written by the founder of LoginRadius, Deepak Gupta.
Artificial Intelligence raises questions of trustworthiness and reliability. Increasing human trust in artificial intelligence-based systems can be done with the help of the internet of things.
Artificial intelligence is a new generation of technology where machines and information systems show a form of intelligence that mimics the natural intelligence of human beings in interacting with the environment. The success of any artificial intelligence based system depends on the trust displayed by the beneficiaries. Data, models, and analytics are three components of the technology. The end users will be more trusting and confident with the use of theBlockchain technology to decentralize these three key components.
Understanding the characteristics of a technology.
Seemingly, the technology will solve a lot of problems. A lot has yet to be explored as the global adoption of theBlockchain will increase in time to come. According to a forecast by Statista, the global revenues of the technology are expected to soar to more than $39 billion by the year 2025.
The key characteristics of the technology make it popular.
Unlike the traditional banking system, there is no central authority to monitor the network. Without the help of a single ruling power, transactions can be authorized.
Instead of storing data in a central repository, distributed ledgers record it in various locations in a shared infrastructure.
When all relevant network nodes agree on a transaction, it's consensus-based.
Transactions can't be altered by anyone at any time in theBlockchain network. The technology is highly secure due to the fact that it is irreversible.
Key characteristics of artificial intelligence are understood.
The world can become a better place to live if the key characteristics of artificial intelligence are discussed. Artificial Intelligence has critical characteristics.
Artificial Intelligence technology is able to adapt quickly to the environment. It learns how to do better by observing the surroundings.
Data ingestion is the analysis of enormous amount of data spread over billions of records.
Artificial intelligence-based systems are highly reactive as they respond to changing environments. Rules and procedures can be invoked based on certain conditions.
Artificial intelligence systems can automate repetitive tasks. Artificial intelligence can help machines perform human tasks.
The key challenges of human trust in artificial intelligence.
The development of full artificial intelligence could spell the end of the human race according to Stephen Hawking, one of the greatest physicists of the century.
Trust is a vital factor in technology interactions. People used to trust technology because it worked as expected. The emergence of Artificial Intelligence solutions is not the same as before.
Openness is the ability of the applications to respond to situations with their own intelligence. It can be used for good or bad. Some people have reservations about trusting solutions that are based on artificial intelligence.
Lack of transparency is one of the major issues impacting human trust in artificial intelligence applications. The benefits and risks of using the application to increase trust need to be understood by the developers.
Privacy: Artificial intelligence has made data collection and analysis much easier, however, the end- users have to bear the brunt, as the collection of humongous amounts of data by companies worldwide may end up jeopardizing the privacy of the user(s) whose data is being collected.
How the use of technology can increase trust.
Increasing transparency and trust is one of the ways in which the technology can help increase human trust.
Building trust.
People always doubt how and when their data will be used by applications based on artificial intelligence. No one can access the data without the user's permission. Users can license their data to the provider based on their terms and conditions.
There is data privacy and security.
The distributed form of data sharing can help reduce the trust deficit in artificial intelligence applications. There is no central point where malicious actors can attack data. As real-time data is available to all participants, distributed ledger offers more transparency and accountability.
There is consensus and decision-making.
Consensus-based transactions are one of the most important characteristics of the technology. Every decision made needs to be agreed upon by all parties involved, and it becomes highly impossible for unauthorized access or tampering of data without the users' consensus.
Data distribution and decentralization.
There is a huge distrust of data governance, including data collection, storage, and usage. Artificial intelligence applications can store their data in a distributed environment with the help of the internet. Data governance and distribution can be accomplished with the use of smart contracts.
Data integrity is important.
Data integrity is one of the biggest challenges in using artificial intelligence. Data is collected from clients and stored in a centralized server in traditional applications. Artificial intelligence applications can be embedded with the technology of theBlockchain. Data can be more actionable with complete transparency, accountability, and traceability.
Higher efficiency.
A transparent data governance model can be created with the help of an artificial intelligence system and the use of smart contracts and DAOs.
The benefits of the speach can address some of the drawbacks of the machine.
Increasing people's trust in artificial intelligence-based applications can be done with the help of the benefits of the technology. The qualities of decentralization, distributed data governance, data immutability, transparency, security, and real-time accountability can be acquired with the use of theBlockchain. Many intelligent systems are criticized for their lack of security. The security and trust deficit issues can be addressed with the help of the technology. There are huge challenges for both Artificial Intelligence andBlockchain technology. When combined, they have tremendous potential and will complement each other to restore trust and improve efficiency.
The co-founding member of LoginRadius is Deepak Gupta.
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