The fragment from the giant millipede ancestor was recently found in the U.K.
Researchers in the U.K. have found a fossil of the largest arthropod to have ever lived. The giant creatures were the length of a car and were likely on Earth during the Carboniferous Period.
The discovery of a fragment of the arthropod's shell confirms that these ancient creatures could grow to be much larger than previously thought.
A new fossil of the Arthropleura, which is around 326 million years old, was discovered on a beach in northeast England in the year of 2019. The fragment is long and wide. The researcher said that the individual that was molted would have been around 10 feet long and weighed around 50 pounds.
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Neil Davies, a researcher at the Department of Earth Sciences at the University of Cambridge in England, told Live Science that these would have been the biggest animals on land. He said that researchers were surprised to find any evidence that the arthropod could grow to these sizes.
An illustration of what a arthropod might have looked like. Credit: J.W. Schneider. The Bergakademie Freiberg.
The area where the fossil was found is not known for fossils. He said it was fortunate that the fossil was visible.
The block containing the fossil cracked in the right place after it fell from the cliff. A former student found the fossil while walking past.
molted skeleton do not fossilize well because they break down quickly. This one was very well preserved. It seems to have filled with sand after it was damaged. It is in a river channel that is very old, so it fell into a small river and was entombed very quickly.
Davies said that only two other Arthropleura fossils have ever been found. The new fossil is the largest yet.
Trackways, or fossilized footprints, which have been discovered in Europe and North America, have given researchers everything else they know about the giant invertebrates.
The trackways of the recently discovered arthropod. Neil Davies has an image credit.
There are monsters.
The researchers were able to estimate the size of the new person based on their previous discoveries. The Arthopleura examples have a width:length ratio of 4.78. Our animal was 55 cm wide, so it's 2.63 m long.
No head has ever been found so researchers are not sure what the arthropod ate. They think that these beasts were most likely vegetarian and would have eaten trees, plants and nuts. They may have eaten other small animals as well.
It's not clear how many legs Arthropleura had. Davies said that it was unclear if thefossils had two legs per segment or every two segments. He said that the tracks left by this individual suggested that it had at least 20 legs.
A new species of living millipede has 1,300 legs, but most living species have less than 100 legs.
The sandstone block contains a fossil. Neil Davies has an image credit.
The climate is changing.
Davies said that arthropods would have been common around the equator and that it would have been close to the U.K.
True polar wander is a phenomenon in which the outer layer of a planet or moon moves around its core and tilts the crust relative to the object's axis. Live Science previously reported that the last "cosmic yo-yo" was 84 million years ago.
The climate in the U.K. during the Carboniferous period is likely to have been the reason for the large sizes of these animals. It was an environment that suited them being huge. They would have had a large supply of food from trees and plants.
After they first appeared, conditions didn't stay perfect, and they went extinct around 45 million years later. The first reptiles to thrive on land were likely caused by a shift in the equator towards its current location during the early Permian Period. "Arthropleura would have faced more competition for fewer resources, and eventually lost out to more efficient animals," he said.
The study was published in a journal.
Live Science published the original article.