The new date is Dec 21, 2021.
The number of Covid tests that can be purchased at home has been limited by Walgreens and CVS, due to a surge in demand ahead of the holidays.
A man has a rapid Covid test.
Emily Hartwig-Mekstan told Forbes that the limit applies to at- home Covid tests sold at Walgreens stores and online.
Customers looking to buy Covid-19 test kits at the pharmacy chain are limited to six per person, and products may temporarily be out of stock, according to Forbes.
The Washington Post reported that online orders for at- home Covid tests were selling out quickly.
The highly infectious and more transmissible omicron variant accounted for more than 70% of new Covid cases last week compared to 3% the previous week according to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
There was high demand in New York, Chicago and Los Angeles.
There were 132,659. According to the CDC Covid data tracker, the seven-day rolling average of Covid-19 cases in the country was December 19 That is up more than 12% from the previous week.
Before joining a group gathering, users can check their Covid at home. According to the Los Angeles Times, Americans are increasingly using rapid tests that take 15 minutes to get results compared to a day or two for a test like a PCR. A rapid test checks for coronaviruses in the user's body, which means it is less accurate in the early or final stages of an infection. If an at- home test returns a negative result, it is possible for a rapid test taker to have Covid. The genetic material from the virus is being investigated. It is more precise at detecting infections in their early or final stages, which would otherwise not have been detected by a rapid test.
There is a structure called the Tangent.
New York Mayor Bill de Blasio said Tuesday that the city is offering $100 to people who get a booster shot before New Year's.
Walgreens limits Covid tests to four per customer due to demand surge.
The Washington Post reported that Walgreens and CVS were having difficulty with holiday demand for home tests.
The Los Angeles Times reported that rapid at- home COVID-19 tests are hard to find during the holiday season.