If we keep burning coal at higher and higher rates, all of South Florida is going to sink into the sea, according to Bill Nye.
In an interview with CNN, Nye said that the ocean could rise by half a meter, which would cause South Florida to become fully submerged.
The problem of scientific concerns not being addressed by governments is something Nye has been talking about for 30 years.
Nye said that the fossil fuel industry ran a very successful propaganda effort that equates scientific uncertainty about the speed and severity with which our climate will degrade with denial of climate change.
He said that people are starting to notice the catastrophes.
The science guy said that the tornado that swept through Kentucky set records, traveled on the ground for more than two hours and over 200 miles, and tore up everything in December.
He said that people are seeing it in their own front and backyards, so maybe this could be a good thing that comes out of these disasters.
Nye countered that optimism by noting that the plan is to burn more coal next year than we did this year and that the recent COP26 environmental conference in Glasgow contained very "watered-down" language that doesn't go nearly far enough.
Nye said that with the doomsday glacier and the tornadoes, maybe we will get on it.
It is hard to see the governments addressing this issue anytime soon, even though they have expressed radio silence in light of the news.
The glaciers are melting faster due to the Earth's core.
Bill Nye said that green energy will make you rich.
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