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The Big Bets newsletter states that Steve Ballmer wanted Microsoft's Cortana to be called "Bingo". According to former Microsoft product manager, Sandeep Paruchuri, the name of Microsoft's artificial intelligence assistant was given to writer AliceNewtonRex as part of a deep dive into its origins.
Paruchuri and Rex gave an inside look at how Microsoft named the assistant, how it was pitched to management, and how the clash between dreams and reality happened. The assistant became one of the main advertising points for the doomed Windows Phone platform.
It was supposed to be a code name.
The story behind the assistant being branded as "Cortana" is a fun one and was only supposed to be used during development. It was supposed to be called Alyx, but when the name leaked, Microsoft decided to call it "Corbana."
The newsletter is still an interesting read, even though not every part of the story is as interesting as Ballmer's idea to name it after Microsoft's beloved search engine.