Sen. Elizabeth Warren said on Sunday that she tested positive for COVID-19 and is experiencing mild symptoms.
Warren said she tested negative earlier this week but today she tested positive for carbon dioxide and has recieved a booster shot.
"As cases increase across the country, I urge everyone who has not already done so to get the vaccine and the booster as soon as possible - together, we can save lives," Warren said.
Many cities are experiencing a surge in COVID-19 cases due to the Omicron coronaviruses variant. The strain could potentially cause less severe illness than other strains, according to early data.
The director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases said Friday that people who are vaccine and boosted should feel comfortable, but that they may need to be more restrictive.
Fauci said on Sunday that the Omicron strain is "raging through the world", but that he doesn't think there will be more lock downs in the US.