The Omicron variant of the coronaviruses was raging worldwide and was likely to cause another major surge in the United States, especially among the unvaccinated, warned Dr. Fauci on Sunday.
He said on CNN that the new variant of the virus was extraordinary.
Dr. Fauci said that most should be protected if Americans decide to curtail holiday gatherings and travel plans.
Dr. Fauci said on NBC's "Meet the Press" that if you're boosted and have a mask on, you should be fine. Air travelers were urged to remain masked.
He said that Christmas 2020 shouldn't be a replay. He encouraged people to get tested if they plan to attend celebrations indoors and to avoid gatherings if they were unsure if all the guests were up to date on their vaccinations.
Dr. Fauci said on CNN that they are doing better than a year ago. We had no at- home tests a year ago. We need to do better.
In areas that are struggling to keep up with demand, at- home tests are rare.
With 50 million eligible Americans unvaccinated against Covid, the coming six to eight weeks of winter seem poised to bring an increase in cases, deaths, overwhelmed hospitals and health care workers, particularly in regions where vaccination rates are low.
He made a fervent plea for people who had received two doses of the Covid vaccine to get a booster as soon as possible because it would strengthen their resistance to the Omicron variant.
He said that breakthrough infections would continue to occur.
Dr. Francis Collins, who was in his final day as director of the National Institutes of Health, expressed exasperation with those who claim that the vaccines don't work.
He said on Fox News that vaccines are not perfect. He said that if people get Covid after being vaccined, they will have a mild case. The vaccinations are really good at protecting against severe disease, so if you have the sniffles, you won't be in the I.C.U.