The launch of the James Webb space telescope will take place on 24 December, according to the company overseeing the launch.
The instrument, which will be the largest and most powerful telescope ever to be launched into space, was supposed to be deployed in the early 2000s.
The telescope is ready for launch.
The space telescope for launch was funded by the James Webb Foundation.
The telescope's original budget was ballooned to nearly $10 billion due to a number of problems.
The telescope was built in the US and will leave for French Guyana on December 18.
Two delays have been caused by new problems.
Arianespace said that the James Webb Space Telescope would go ahead on December 24 at 12:20 pm.
The telescope was encapsulated inside the Ariane5 rocket.
The telescope will be far away from the sun, like the Hubble telescope. It is hoped that it will reveal what the Universe looked like when it was a single billion years old.
The telescope is named after the man who ran the space agency for much of the 1960s.