Russian journalist Dmitry Popov wrote a lengthy article about the Russian space program in the state-aligned paper.
In a country where police violence and criminal charges against journalists are commonplace, it is unusual to see such a damning report in a state-aligned paper. The story is titled "The Space Program Is Rotting from Within" and details missed deadlines, unsafe equipment, and malfunction, as well as corruption and embezzlement, at Russia's space program.
Popov wrote that the control over execution of defense contracts by its daughter companies was not so strict. In March 2020, the State Corporation's director approved procedural regulations to control the execution of Defense Ministry contracts. An audit showed that his subordinates are not in a hurry to comply with procedures.
Five years ago, the Khrunichev Center agreed to produce 10 booster cores for the Angara A5 rocket, but only five of them have been delivered.
The mainstay vehicles of the space program are struggling to be produced. Russia can't make some chemicals needed for space travel. Popov wrote that the international deliveries could be stopped with a single keystroke because of the sanctions against the Russian Federation.
Russia's space program is crumbling due to corruption and a lack of trained and reliable employees. The technocrats who are paid the equivalent of hundreds of thousands of dollars a year are the ones who spend most of the money on salaries. The workers who create rockets and produce products make less than they should.
If Russia wants to stay in the space game, it is important that Popov is safe. The free press in Russia was found to be under attack so much that the government brought criminal charges against a university's student paper and its writers. 10 journalists were arrested by police during protests this year, even though they were on assignment, even though they wore vests, badges and confirmation they were on assignment.
The Russian government has yet to respond to Popov's article. It is certain to get the attention of President Putin, a man not known for kindness to political opponents or truth-tellers.
Russia was criticized for its space problems. It is a seat for a astronomer.
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