5G conspiracy theorists have come up with a brilliant plan: wearing necklaces that will bombard them with radiation.
The Guardian reported that some people with anti-5G beliefs use negative ion products in hopes of shielding them from the harmful effects of ionizing radiation. quantum pendants are sometimes referred to as the products. The bulletin warned owners of the listed products to store them safely and await instructions for return or disposal, as well as any other negative ion products that may be in their possession.
The risk of being exposed to ionizing radiation is very small, but they are potentially harmful to anyone wearing the products for an extended period of time if they believed it was necessary to protect them from the 5G rollout. Red skin is a potential symptom of exposure. The products are banned in the Netherlands and sellers have been told to stop wearing them or face criminal or administrative action.
According to the Guardian, the ANVS said that exposure to ionising radiation can cause adverse health effects. These consumer products containing radioactive materials are not allowed by law. Ionising radiation can cause tissue damage and red skin. Only low levels of radiation have been measured.
Someone who wears a product of this kind for a long period of time could expose themselves to a level of radiation that exceeds the stringent limit for skin exposure that applies in the Netherlands. The owners of such items are asked not to wear them from now on.
The warning applies to Energy Armor sleeping masks, black and white necklaces, and black super bracelets, Magnetix armbands, necklaces, and bracelets, and the Basic Nero armband. One of the manufacturers advertises that they use pure minerals and volcanic ash from the Earth, begging the question of what minerals.
Scientific American pointed out that it is not only conspiracy theorists who believe 5G could potentially pose a hazard to humans, but also some scientists who are concerned that federal regulations pertaining to nonionizing electromagnetic fields (EMF) exposure are based on outdated research and need to be made more stringent. Two large-scale research reviews released by Australian scientists earlier this year concluded that there was no evidence that 5G has an impact on human health. The World Health Organization states on its website that there is no adverse health effect linked to exposure to wireless technologies, though it is conducting a health risk assessment on the entire range.
Conspiracy theories that 5G cell towers are responsible for health conditions such as cancer and covid-19 have been circulating on social media sites for a long time. A schematic that went viral on both of those sites in January of 2016 depicted a diagram of the electronics inside a guitar pedal, but it was actually a depiction of a 5G-enabled nanochip secretly added to vaccines against the coronaviruses. Many users on those sites seem to have taken it seriously, even though whoever posted it intended it to be a joke.
The UK police blamed 5G conspiracists for a string of fires at cell towers and death threats against telecom engineers. A man who blew up a car bomb in Nashville, Tennessee, on Christmas last year, killing himself, wounding eight others, and causing massive property damage, was initially thought to be linked to 5G theories. The FBI found no evidence that 5G or any other ideological grudge motivated the attack on Anthony Warner.
The 5G one has attracted an array of grifters who are looking to figure out the gullibility of believers into hard cash. It is very common for alternative health products to be manufactured with little concern for the safety of consumers.
According to Mike Rothschild, a researcher on conspiracy theories and author of The Storm Is Upon Us, 5G conspiracy theories fit into a long tradition of paranoia over what horrors will be inflicted on us by new technology. Before 5G, conspiracy theories about wifi poisoning, microwaves making you sterile, or cell-phones giving you brain cancer, were common.
The public lacks basic science knowledge and is afraid of new technology, which makes it easy for scammers to sell worthless products.