The mummified remains of a man and woman who died about 2,500 years ago have been found.
Three gold foil amulets in the shape of tongues were found buried with mummies.
There were three foils, two of which were larger. The Roman period in Egypt began in 30BC.
There were three foils, two of which were larger.
The Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities.
The ancient Egyptians placed gold-foil tongues in the mouths of the dead to communicate with Osiris in the afterlife.
One of the tombs, which was sealed, was from the Saite dynasty, which ruled between 664–525 BC.
A well-preserved male mummy with a golden tongue was found inside a limestone sarcophagus. The tomb had grave goods such as a scarab amulet, four canopic jars, and 400 funerary figurines made of pottery.
Esther Pons Mellado, co-director of the archaeological mission from the University of Barcelona, told The National that it's rare to find a tomb that is completely sealed.
The mummy's tombs were completely sealed.
The Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities.
Maite Mascort, mission co-director, said that they are studying the inscriptions on the vessels that will reveal the identity of the buried person.
Melado told The National that the second tomb of the woman had been opened in ancient times.
There was a figure of the god Horus inside the tomb.
The Egyptian ministry said in a statement that a team of Spanish archaeologists had been working in the area for nearly thirty years.
The tomb of the male mummy contained around 400 figurines.
The Egyptian Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities.
According to Maite Mascort, researchers were working to delicately unfold the pages of the mummies after they found a piece of papyrus on top of the bandages.
One of the largest and most important archeological sites in the world is the Oxyrhynchus site, where the mummies were excavated.
The Ptolemaic Kingdom and Roman Egypt were the subject of a collection of papyrus texts.
Archaeologists found a mummy with a golden foil tongue in Alexandria.
Mellado told The National that the gold tongue foils were only found at the archaeological sites of Alexandria and El Bahnasa.