The newest MacBook Pros made their entrance this year. The small, black notch at the top of the machines caused waves of controversy because they received outsized attention. You may like it. You may not like it. Now you can decorate it.
On Friday, the developer Iconfactory released an app for MacBook Pros called Notchmeister, which the developer says makes the device go wild. Users can put Christmas lights on their notch, make it look like it's leaking plasma, or have a "nano radar" that lets them see where their cursor is behind the notch, among other things.
It's a fun way to improve your notch. Or as a screen saver for something you can't see. Iconfactory wrote in a post about the app that it might be a useless waste of time.
Like a screensaver, Notchmeister doesn't run all the time. When you open the app, it pops up when you move your finger on the notch. Considering the tendency of human beings to stop what they are doing and look at something that grabs our attention, this is a good thing.
If you have an older MacBook or MacBook Pro model that doesn't have a notch, you don't have to worry, Notchmeister will let you know what it feels like. You can have fun with the app that creates a genuine replacement notch on the top of your screen.