This "quantum pendant" claims to protect the wearer from 5G signals. The anti-5G hysteria is a groundless conspiracy theory. They emit low levels of ionizing radiation that can cause adverse health effects over time.
Are you worried that the 5G cell phone towers will cause harm to your brain? The "quantum pendant" pictured above is not a classic tinfoil hat. It is a much more stylish accessory. The product leans on a pseudoscientific marketing trick: put the label "quantum" on something and it will give you an aura of mystery.
Negative ion products can be found all over the internet, which claims to increase immune function, increase energy, and protect the wearer from harmful 5G waves. The hysteria over 5G risks has no scientific basis, and even if it did, "negative ion" isn't a magic defense. If people want to spend their money on nonsense, that's their right. No harm, no foul, right?
Not so fast. The Authority for Nuclear Safety and Radiation Protection in the Netherlands has just issued a consumer warning and banned the sale of ten products, including that snazzy, because they emit low levels of ionizing radiation that could be dangerous over a long period of time.
This isn't the first time someone has noticed these products are radioactive. Naturally occurring radioactive elements, including uranium and thorium, can be found in the products. There are trace amounts in the products, but the emitted radiation is enough to set off radiation monitoring equipment. A truck full of bananas can.
The agency does not have the power to ban foreign suppliers, but will report them to the appropriate authorities in their own countries. Ionic air purifiers are exempt from the ban because they do not contain radioactive materials. Per the ANVS:
The consumer products tested contain radioactive materials and therefore expose the wearer. Ionizing radiation can cause health problems. These consumer products containing radioactive materials are not allowed by law. Red skin can be caused by ionizing radiation. These products have low levels of radiation measured. Someone who wears a product of this kind for a long period of time could expose themselves to a level of radiation that exceeds the limit for skin exposure that applies in the Netherlands. The owners of such items are asked to not wear them from now on.
Energy Armor's necklace emits low levels of ionizing radiation.
Wireless technology has long been accused of causing health issues and causing people to be "sensitive" to electricity. There were a few ambiguous studies that suggested a link between cell phone use and cancer, but most of them had significant issues. There were many studies that saw no connection.
It can't break chemical bonds because of the low-energy radiation. It can heat tissues. We don't know if there are mechanisms beyond heating that can cause damage to human tissue. There is no evidence that radiation from these sources poses a risk to the population.