Charlie Woods looks like he is ready to carry dad Tiger Woods again at the PNC Championship


Tiger Woods and his son get some swings.

Tiger Woods and his son Charlie are practicing in the range and in the Bunker before the 2021 PNC Championship. (0:28)

2:12 PM

Tiger Woods will be the center of attention at this year's event. There will be a lot of attention on his son, Charlie, who took the golf world by storm a year ago at this event.

The focus this year will be on the father, not the son. Tiger Woods returned to a golf course to play a competitive round almost 10 months after his single-car crash in Los Angeles. How will he hold up? Is his injured right leg ready for three days of golf? What will his swing speed be like? Does he have the strength?

Charlie Woods will try to carry the team again. A year ago, Tiger joked that Charlie was the key player on the two-person squad, with Charlie posting his first-ever eagle and hitting quality shot after quality shot. The team finished in a tie.

Is Charlie ready to go this year? He did well in the pro-am on Friday.

Charlie Woods with a beauty to an INCH.
December 17, 2021.

That thing goes in if there is one more roll. It will be interesting to see what the competition will bring.

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