A group of human brain cells were taught how to play a video game in a petri dish.
The researchers at Cortical Labs have created a mini-brain consisting of up to one million living human brain cells in a petri dish. The cells are placed on top of the array.
According to New Scientist, the chief scientific officer at Cortical Labs believes that the brains are actually a kind of artificial intelligence.
Pick up the paddle.
The team created a simplified version of the game to teach the mini-brains. A signal is sent to either the right or left of the array to indicate where the ball is, and the brain cells send signals back to move the paddle.
The 1999 movie in which humans are enslaved by artificial intelligence in an all-encompassing simulation is often referred to as living in the Matrix. They think they are the paddle when they are in the game.
That is a frightening concept that will cause some panic.
It is faster than the artificial intelligence.
The mini-brains can play the game, but they can't learn as quickly as some of the other machines.
He told New Scientist that the Amazon aspect is how quickly it learns. That is an amazing thing that biology can do.
The team at Cortical Labs hope to use their findings to develop sophisticated technology using live biological neurons integrated with traditional Silicon computing.
It makes sense that they want to create brains that use biological cells. Neural networks can learn quickly, so machine learning can vastly improve current artificial intelligence.
The plot of "The Matrix" will happen before the newest movie comes out.
Human brain cells learn to play a game faster than an artificial intelligence.
A scientist who trained rats to play "Doom II" says he may start a channel.
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