The last full moon before the winter solstice in the Northern Hemisphere will be December's cold moon.
The cold moon can be seen at 11:36 pm. The moon will be full for three days, from Friday evening to Monday morning, making this a full moon weekend.
The winter solstice will occur on Tuesday, December 21 when the North Pole is at its farthest tilt away from the sun.
Those in the Northern Hemisphere can say goodbye to autumn and hello to winter at that time.
Photos of the solar eclipse from the South Pole.
The shortest day of the year is the winter solstice. In Washington D.C., there is just 9 hours, 26 minutes and 12.9 seconds of sunlight from sunrise to sunset.
The sun will reach its highest point in the sky in Washington D.C. at 27.7 degrees, which is the lowest of the year. According to timeanddate.com, solar noon doesn't happen at noon or 12 pm local time.
The name long night moon is derived from the fact that the cold moon is the longest full moon of the year. The Sun, Earth and Moon line up on an imaginary line during a full moon.
The Moon's position around the Earth is different from the Sun's, so it's usually a bit higher or lower than Earth's shadow when the lineup happens.
The events are added to by the winter solstice. The path of the full moon, opposite the Sun, appears highest in the sky when the Sun's path is low.
In Washington, D.C., the cold moon will be in the sky for 15 hours and 33 minutes, with 14 hours and 34 minutes of this time occurring when the Sun is down. It takes a lot of time to see the moon in the sky.
The cold moon is named because of the long, cold nights this time of year. The frost moon and the winter moon are the names of the moon in December.
Old European names for the last full moon before the winter solstice include the oak moon and the Moon before Yule, a three-day winter festival celebrated in pre-Christian Europe. It wasn't until the 10th century that King Haakon I of Norway began to introduce the religion to the region, a practice that later spread through Europe.
The term oak moon may be related to the ancient people who lived in Britain and France. According to a first centuryCE text from a Roman historian, the Druids collected mistletoe from oak trees.
The small, sticky berries of mistletoe are visible in the winter when the host trees lose their leaves.
If you're not a night owl but still want to see a full moon, you'll be able to see it on Friday and Saturday, which are the earliest nights of the year. NASA reported that some people call this moon the child moon because children can still catch the show.
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The article was published by Live Science. The original article can be found here.