The CEO of MyPillow has spent over twenty million dollars on voter fraud claims.
CNBC's Brian Schwartz spoke to Lindell about how much he has invested in his efforts to prove that election fraud occurred. CNBC reported that most of the $25 million was spent on lawyers and cyber investigators, and that he held a cyber symposium in South Dakota.
According to Insider, Lindell said that the figure was $25 million and included $10 million that he spent building Frank Speech, his social media platform.
"I have a place for free speech because I built FrankSpeech.com, the biggest obstacle to saving America is conservative media," he said. "Especially Fox, Newsmax, Salem, etc." They are the worst because they have canceled our voice. They won't talk about the election or the vaccine.
"If that's what it takes, I will spend everything I have and sell everything I have," he said, referring to his campaign to overturn the 2020 election and re-instate Trump as president.
The lawyers representing him in his legal battle have paid $500,000. MyPillow is counter-suing Dominion for $1.6 billion after it was sued by the voting systems company.
Part of the money invested into his post-2020 election-fraud crusade has also funded a legal team for Tina Peters, a GOP clerk in Mesa County, Colorado. Peters is accused of allowing an unauthorized consultant to gain access to the voting machines.
Insider reached out to Tina Peters to confirm the claim.
According to CNBC's report, Lindell contributed money to Women for America First, one of the permit holders for the January 6 rally in Washington where Trump called on his supporters to march to the Capitol. He denied that he was a donor but said he paid $100,000 for an ad on the bus which brought people to Washington.
"I spent a lot on flying myself and teams to different states to prove that the election crimes happened in their states as well," he said. We are getting access to many voting machines and doing massive canvass in over 40 states, so I am spending a lot more of late.
According to CNBC, MyPillow lost around $80 million when retailers stopped selling his products. Insider reported in February that he expected to lose $65 million in pillow revenue because of the retailer boycotts.
Fueled by a belief in the baseless theory that the 2020 presidential election was stolen from former President Donald Trump, Lindell has continued to push a slew of Trump's voter-fraud claims.
In a court filing in December, Smartmatic accused Lindell of going on a "crusade without a cause" and argued that his allegations that voting machines enabled voter fraud are "fictitious."
There is no evidence of widespread voter fraud.
He promised his supporters that he would get a complaint from the Supreme Court before Thanksgiving. He failed to meet the deadline.
The complaint should be done by this coming Monday, according to the changes made by Lindell.