“Jeopardy” shows that the Woke have won

I received an email from Paul Topping, and I thought it was funny and sad. I have his permission to post it, so I will give it to you.

My wife and I watch a lot of TV. They had an answer and a question last Tuesday. They are doing a tournament with college professors. The answer was from the first part of the show.
T.H. Huxley lectured on ethics in 1893.
Hester Blum is an English Prof from Penn State University.
The question is "What is evolution?"
I don't think the contestant was knowledgeable about science. She laughed out loud when the topic was physics.

I wrote Paul that this was sad and funny.

It is interesting but not surprising that someone would know enough science to name scientists who would cancel. She lost the contest.

It would be an English professor. Or a sociologist or cultural anthropologist.

I have written about T. H. Huxley and how his reputation has been unfairly besmirched. The Huxley College of the Environment at Western Washington University has been renamed because the University deemed Huxley a racist. Eugenics is more associated with T. H. than with biology, abolitionism, or science education. He was not a fan of the idea of eugenics.