Every order ships for free, even for a single bottle, as Last Bottle Wines keeps offering new bottles every so often. I wrote about this type of deal back in March and it was very popular so I figured I would mention it again. I know that many frequent travelers enjoy a good bottle of wine now and then, but I don't think it has much to do with miles or points. I got some fantastic bottles from Last Bottle for good prices through the last deal like this and the new user bonus works out really well for a couple in 2-player mode, unlike many wine club situations.
This would have cost three bucks with tax if it had a $10 credit.
The deal was made.
The sale is called Marathon Madness and it is a sale where they quickly change the price points of wine and the bottles on offer.
If you sign up via my referral link, you will get a $10 credit and you will be able to use it. Refer your Player 2 and you will get a $30 credit when they buy their first bottle.
Key terms.
Free ground shipping on all orders.
First come, first served!
You have to complete your purchase on each wine.
There is no credit for buying the Last Bottle.
All orders placed during this marathon will be combined. It will take several weeks to get to all states after January 3rd, when shipping begins. I received some of my wine last time within a week of the beginning of the shipping window and some of it a couple of weeks later, but be aware that it could be as late as March.
Quick thoughts.
It is worth reading if you like wine, but you need to know a little about Last Bottle to get the most out of it. The bottles won't be out until after the new year.
Here is how you end up with a bunch of wine.
Player 1 gets a $10 credit after signing up.
Player 1 refers Player 2 before buying anything. Player 2 gets a credit.
Player 2 looks for the cheapest bottle they can buy and at least once an hour there was something in the $12-15 range. After the $10 discount, out of pocket cost should be between $6 and $0.66 and you still pay tax even if your credit covers the price of the bottle.
Player 1 gets a $30 referral credit after Player 2 buys, and now has 40 in credit. Player 1 can use the entire $40 credit on a single bottle or split it up and buy a few less expensive bottles. If you don't go over your credit, you'll have to pay taxes.
The total cost for 2 or more bottles of wine should be less than $10 shipped. There are some really good options that you can get with a $40 credit.
Last Bottle Wines sells one bottle a day at a steep discount over normal retail price until their supply is sold out. During the wine marathon, they offer new bottles for a couple of times an hour to every few minutes and every order ships free, even for a single bottle. You have to drink more water. You can see a bottle for $275 and it may be a bottle for $12. The wine descriptions during the wine marathon are brief if there is one at all, and if you pay attention you will notice some bottles are back in to the supply. I think it will run at least today and tomorrow, but I don't know if it will last for more than a couple of days.
If you are familiar with the concept of a Woot-Off, you will understand Last Bottle's Wine Marathon. I wonder if a former author wrote the descriptions for Last Bottle because the descriptions are cut from a similar thread as the old ones.
The last time Last Bottle ran, I found that Frequent miler readers liked wine and wanted to buy me a drink. A bunch of you used my referral link and I bought a bunch of wine. I was surprised at how good some of it was. I bought and tried many bottles, ranging from $12 to a bottle that was $99, and while I haven't loved every one, I have been happy on average.
The price you see on Last Bottle is already significantly discounted. The Yount Ridge Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon was offered last time and was sold for $240. If you played the referral deal, you could get 40 off that and pay $59 and $9 in tax for a total of $68. The bottle is worth $68. It was great.
It is not all expensive. I pounced on the first bottle I saw without any idea of the quality.
It cost me a grand total of $5.29 after tax and free shipping. I wouldn't have felt bad about the gamble if I hated it and poured it out. You pay tax, but not shipping.
The cheapest thing I saw was $8. I wouldn't have high hopes, but the tax would come to $0.66. If you follow the instructions at the top of the post and Player 2 picks up something like this, you will get a $30 referral credit for Player 1.
The referral credit was posted in my account after my wife bought a bottle.
If you followed the directions at the top, Player 1 would have 40 credits. The credit can be used on a single bottle or on several bottles. The wine is often discounted below retail, so a $40 bottle can be pretty nice.
I grabbed this last night and thought it was interesting for $43.
I enjoy a glass of wine a few times a year, so this seemed like an easy win for me, particularly in the 2-player mode.
There are tips.
You should set up your account with your preferred shipping address and payment info after you sign up. We didn't do this and the $12 bottle of Shiraz sold out.
You can find a link to your referral info at the bottom of the home page if you are a Last Bottle user.