Musk made the case for canceling student loan debt when he accidentally made the case in response to a fan.
Musk came to the US with no money and graduated with over $100,000 in debt despite working two jobs.
Rags to people.
This narrative is a repeat of statements Musk has made in the past.
When rumors that the Musk family owned mines in South Africa were circulating, the CEO called the accusation a pretty awful lie and explained that he paid his way through college with $100,000 in loan debt.
Musk said that he couldn't afford a second PC.
The main reason to believe that Musk lied about his student loan debt is that he doesn't appear to have much to gain from it.
Musk has six figures of loan debt, but it doesn't seem to have affected his politics or his wealth. For one shining moment, the man who keeps harassing the senator seemed to have gained some class consciousness.
He is the best at humility.
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