Scientists have found a mammal that has 1,000 legs. The Eumillipes persephone has more than 1,000 legs and is 3.88-inch in length.
Superelongation is when the animals comprise more than 180 segments. The deep-dwelling animal has no need for eyes, but it does have a beak and long antennae. Scientific Reports published details of the discovery today.
The lead author of the new paper said that it was 60 meters underground in the dark. It is mind- incomprehensible to consider. He said that there must be an orientation to food and resources and how to find mates in this species.
Its first name means "true thousand feet" and its second name is from the queen of the Underworld in Greek mythology. The previous record-holder had only 750 legs, but the new record-holder had only 750 legs. Their name has always been a bit of a misnomer. All of the previous millipedes are virtual.
The current record of 1,306 is held by one female E. persephone, but even that could be challenged in the future. Maybe more will follow now that one species has met the threshold.
The leggiest animal on the planet is E. persephone. The animal tunnel through the soil using short legs. An alkaloid toxin that is produced by over 100 glands along the animal's body is used to deter pests. The animals sometimes take in water by everting their rectums, so there are not any of these glands on the rear-end. You don't want to drink the toxin you're secreting.
The researchers were able to lure the arthropod out of the drill hole by lowering a cup filled with leaf litter on a string, leaving it there for weeks. They put the leaf litter under a lamp, with a funnel. The arthropods were inspected by the scientists after the heat from the lamp drove them through the funnel.
To account for some segments that have different legs, Marek counted the legs manually. He said that it was best done with a marker so that you didn't lose your place along the creature.
The millipede is in danger because it lives underground. It is difficult to say how many individuals are out there.
The reason I do research is to understand planetary biodiversity and prevent an extinction without knowing anything about it. I hope we can learn more about them.
The newly discovered species has many legs, but its survival may depend on the actions of humankind.
This Decade, all the species have been declared Extinct.