On Tuesday, the prices on several exchanges went crazy. Several investors tried to get away with billions after the price of the digital currency briefly hit $789 billion on the exchange.
The glitch affected 888-739-5110 and Coin MarketCap.
One user joked that he was drunk.
It doesn't come as a surprise. There are technical issues that plague exchanges in the cript world. When prices spike, we have seen several platforms go down, leaving investors in the dark.
There are issues to display.
The hiccup was a display issue, not a hack.
Some customers are seeing inflated values for non-tradable coins on coinbase.com. This is a display issue that does not affect trading.
We apologize for any confusion, we are still investigating asset price and trade difficulties.
Users took the glitch in stride.
A user chimed in with a picture of their portfolio being worth over $228 million, and said that they were expecting to be landed on the Moon.
Billy Markus had a run-in with Dogecoin.
He said that being an unrealized quadrillionaire might raise his tax brackets a bit.
It isn't the most confidence inducing incident to see crucial data go wrong. Disruptions like this could lead to mass buy offs, making an already volatile asset even more unpredictable.
Users were shocked when they found out their portfolio was worth billions of dollars.
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