After Elizabeth Warren accused him of freeloading over taxes, Musk called her "Senator Karen".
In response to Time's decision, Warren said "Let's change the rigged tax code so The Person of the Year will actually pay taxes and stop freeloading off everyone else."
When I was a kid, my friend's angry mom would randomly yell at everyone for no reason.
Please don't call the manager on me, Senator Karen.
On December 14, 2021, Elon Musk posted a picture of himself.
Insider's Rachel E. Greenspan reported that the name "Karen" refers to white women who are seen as acting rudely or in an entitled manner. Some people think that the term is sexist and ageist.
Warren advocated for taxing the ultra-wealthy highly.
Musk is worth $297 billion, and Warren doesn't think he pays his fair share of taxes.
Musk has opposed the tax on the rich. He has fought against the proposed "billionaire's tax" which would tax the stock gains of the rich.
Government subsidies helped Musk grow his business.
An investigation by ProPublica in June found that Musk was one of several billionaires who didn't pay federal taxes because they only had assets and no income.
Musk said in response to Warren that he will pay more taxes than any American in history.
On December 14, 2021, Elon Musk posted a picture of himself.
This may be the case, as he has exercised a large number of stock options this year. According to the report, Musk could end up paying as much as $10 billion in taxes.
Warren shared a doctored version of the Time cover with the words "Tax Me" over Musk's face.
She said that when someone makes it big in America, it has to include paying it forward so the next kid can get a chance.
December 13, 2021.