A passenger wearing a pair of women's underwear on his face was kicked off of a United flight in Fort Lauderdale. A second passenger removed himself from the flight in protest of the unfairness of it all. There is a video of this happening in South Florida.
In a recording taken by another passenger on the aircraft, a man with ladies' lingerie on his face asks if a mask needs to be different than this in order to meet requirements.
The United website explains that a mask is required with no openings that fully cover their nose and mouth. bandanas are not allowed as a face covering and a face shield is not counted as one. The man was asked to leave the plane because he was in an exit row seat.
The man in the lingerie mask was kicked off the United flight.
Michael Braun wrote about it on December 15, 2021.
The situation gets even stranger when it happened in South Florida. The passenger who was not wearing a mask decided to challenge the cabin crew.
He wonders if the passenger was kicked off for wearing a mask. He was told by the flight attendant that he had to wear a mask. The crewmember told him that he needed to wear the mask between sips, but he took a sip of his coffee as an excuse.
The second passenger kicked himself off the plane, saying he was out of here. Forget it. I am out of here.
Here is the video of the incident.
This isn't the first time we've seen a man on a plane wearing women's underwear and saying it's a face mask.
The person said, "@crucker."
Two brothers were kicked off a United Airlines flight in January because they wore too much personal protective equipment. We usually hear about anti-maskers. Dr. Fauci recommends wearing two masks. United didn't have any of the more protective masks for these passengers.
February 6, 2021.
When face mask policies were introduced for air travel last year, 'but I'm drinking' became a common excuse and passengers could nurse a Starbucks throughout the entire flight. Some passengers will still do it, but it is no longer acceptable.
September 29, 2021.
Southwest kicked a three year old off a flight for not wearing a mask. A week later, a two year old was kicked off. Southwest kicked a woman and her two year old son off of a Fort.
September 14, 2020.