Apple is closing more stores. The company temporarily closed three stores in the US and Canada due to an increase in illnesses among employees. The shops in Miami, Baltimore, and the Canadian capital of Ottawa will be closed until December 18th or December 19th.
It's not clear how many employees were affected. In a previous statement, Apple said it "regularly monitors" the situation and has a "comprehensive" store safety initiative that includes daily health checks, masks, extra cleaning and paid sick leave. Workers will have to take the tests before they return.
There is no certainty that this will continue in the future. It won't be surprising if there are more until this latest wave dies down.
Retail staff at many stores are at risk, not just Apple's. While retail employees have to wear masks and share their health statuses, they can't necessarily avoid sick customers, and there are concerns that Apple store managers may have pressured subordinates to come in despite showing COVID-19 symptoms. Stores can minimize risks, but they can't completely avoid them as long as the disease continues.