A team of scientists has made a discovery that is ten times larger than the average amount of water found in a canyon system on the planet.
The amount of hydrogen in the soil was mapped by theFREND instrument, which was used to hit pay dirt.
It is an unusual spot of water. Most of the water on Mars has been found near the planet's polar regions.
The Russian Academy of Sciences researcher who led the study said that TGO could be used to look down to one meter below the dusty layer and see what was happening on Mars.
He said that the area with a large amount of hydrogen was in the huge canyon system and that it appeared to be water.
The area is about the size of the Netherlands and it is a great place to look for more water in the future.
According to the statement, the central part of the Marineris was packed with more water than expected. This is similar to Earth's permafrost regions, where water ice is permanent under dry soil because of the constant low temperatures.
There is still a chance that some of the water deposits are trapped in minerals.
The water is more likely to be in the form of ice, according to Malakhov.
The finding is an amazing first step, but we need more observations to know what form of water we are dealing with, said the author of the statement, who used to be on the TGO team.
The discovery could allow us to better understand the early evolution of the Red Planet, as well as give us a better idea of where to look for signs of ancient life.
There is water in the Grand Canyon of Mars.
NASA scientists are going to be alarmed when the tiny Mars chopper dies.
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