Noting that he didn't want a guest on national TV or anything, Stephen Colbert reminded him that he is the same age as him. While Colbert has stood up well for a long time, he had to admit that he isn't exactly jumping off a 50-story building 19 or so times in order to satisfy his artistic ambitions.
Although he admitted that he had to take a moment to find his inner calm, the 57-year-old action icon was reluctant to say so. "You have to deal with it, absorb it, and just be there, and do," said Reeves, who tried to advise anyone faced with the prospect of being thrown off a high place. As Colbert asked his fellow quinquagenarian if this is the sort of thing he really enjoys in his personal life, the easy answer was yes. The distinction between putting his life in the hands of an independent bungee-jumping proprietor and doing the same knowing that an acclaimed director, a stunt team, and a very bottom line-minded movie is something that Reeves is scared of.
In his three segments promoting the fourth Matrix movie, he was animatedly acting out his shock at being called back to reprise his role as Neo/Thomas Anderson. Colbert brought up the sci-fi/fantasy nerd's point of view by the end of the debate, as to which of his Matrix personae was the real one. The only thing that seemed to derail the positive vibes of the star was Colbert's assertion that he could revisit any of his many memorable screen characters.
He said that he has been trying to get a Constantine sequel going for a long time. You would think that a certified franchise machine like Reeves would be able to get a film like that. Colbert suggested that aluctant demon who just wants to pal around with Constantine would be a good foe.
It isn't like the legendarily positive and upbeat Reeves lets the show business get him down, no matter what you say on social media. The ongoing Boom! brought up the first time that Reeves had written comics. The studio series BRZRKR was hosted by Colbert and featured a panel where artist Ron Garney recreated the famous "Sad Keanu" meme and asked his guest what was up in the photo.
He said that he had no idea Garney was going to make him into the person of the superhero. Sorry, BRZRKR. He admitted that he had some stuff going on, but he maintained that it was just hunger and not a crisis that had him so sad on the day. He wasn't thinking about throwing himself off a building 19 times.