According to guidance released Wednesday, the Navy will begin separation of sailors who have not been vaccined against coronaviruses, a process that could take months.
The Moderna Covid-19 vaccine was given to a U.S. Air Force Sergeant at Kunsan Air Base in South Korea. The photo was taken by the United States Forces Korea.
The United States forces in Korea.
According to Rear Adm. James Waters, separations could last into 2022.
Every effort would be made to keep sailors in the Navy if they got their vaccine before the end of the year.
None of the 27 Air Force members let go Monday had sought any type of vaccine exemption, and all had been in the Air Force for less than six years.
The deadline for the Air Force, Marine Corps and Navy to bevaccinated passed this month, with thousands of active-duty military members still unvaccinated.
The deadline for the Army is Wednesday.
40,000 people. As of last week, 1.3 million military personnel had refused to be vaccined.
The vaccine mandate was introduced by the Pentagon. According to Navy guidelines released last month, sailors who miss the vaccine deadline risk being discharged and not being able to reenlist or extend their service, in addition to losing bonuses. John Kirby said on Tuesday that over 99% of active duty personnel have received at least one dose of vaccine. According to the Washington Post, experts believe that the minority who refused represent a troubling indicator in a rigid, top-down culture where decision-making often is predicated on the understanding that the troops will do as they are told.
There is a structure called the Tangent.
Commander Lucian Kins was the first sailor to be fired for disobeying Covid rules after he refused both vaccine and testing.
The Navy starts kicking out sailors who refuse the Covid vaccine.
The Navy will start Separating Unvaccinated Sailors.
The Navy needs about six months to separate unvaccinated sailors.
The Air Force discharged 27 people for not getting the vaccine.
Military holdouts approach 40,000 as omicron variant fears fuel call for boosters.
Thousands of service members miss Covid vaccination deadlines.
Coverage and live updates on the coronaviruses.