Leaked documents link Huawei to China’s domestic spying in Xinjiang

The image is by Alex Castro.

The Washington Post has obtained PowerPoint presentations that show that the Chinese company was involved in building technology for labor and reeducation camps. The report shows how the tech giant may have been involved in the persecution of ethnic minorities.

The PowerPoints were taken down, but the Washington Post says it obtained them. According to the report, the slides included details on the involvement of the company in creating several systems, with the copyright dates being listed from 2016 to 2018).

:noupscale is a file on thechorusasset.com

The slide describes some of the work done by the company.

The Washington Post has an image.

One of the slides talks about the labor for manufacturing and analysis of reeducation efficiency that is part of the foundation of the smart prisons unified platform. The Post reported that some of the prisons in which the tech is used are in the Uyghur region. The Chinese government has been accused of using Uyghurs for forced labor and other human rights violations. Tech companies have been linked to the use of this labor.

The Washington Post has translated a slide about a system used in China. It talks about how public security forces in the capital of rmqi used facial recognition to catch a fugitive. In 2020, a report by video surveillance researchers detailed the work of a facial recognition system that could send an alert if it identified someone as a Uyghur. According to The Washington Post, the presentations for the work done by the company don't mention the Uyghurs, and the company has denied supplying tech to the region.

:noupscale is a file on thechorusasset.com

The Post translated some of the slides.

The Washington Post has an image.

Tech used to identify people based on their voiceprint, systems to track people's location based on video footage, and tech to monitor employees at work are some of the details in the Post's report.

Many companies have been placed on the US government's Entity List, which restricts how US companies can do business with them, for allegedly helping the Chinese government run surveillance on minority groups in the Xinjiang region. The US government has paid a lot of attention to the company, but the focus was on the trade war with China. In February 2020, the US government suggested that telecoms spend their money with their competitors and accused the company of building back doors into its equipment.